FeeTellAll NFT

Find Your Happiness From Within. Ignite Your Personal Purpose. Live The Life You Desire.

Mission of the FeeTellAll

Project FeeTellAll NFT is purposed to round up the community of people around the world to live the life they truly desire, find peace & happiness from within. In our lives, we are often influenced by external pressures & expectations from others on us. Many assume that if we meet the level of success dictated by people around, we will be happy. Just like a Key Performance Indicator. We may be happy for a moment. If you are lucky, the very success depicted by others is exactly what you want. For the rest of us, over the years, you will realize that you may be miserable because you are not doing the things that truly make you happy. In worst cases, you may also find yourself lost in life direction.

True happiness comes from unleashing your significance in life by doing what you love with people you love. Everyone has a different destiny. We are set on different paths with unique gifts, talents & opportunities. We should set out to evolve into the best version of ourselves. Ultimately, happiness is rooted from living authentically that truly ignites your soul. Happiness is within, not without.

By owning the FeeTellAll NFTs, you are proudly supporting the life choices of people to be uniquely fulfilled. You are sending a message to the world to uncover the purpose & passion by looking within. Your answers to your desired life are already in your heart. In the intersection of what you truly love and what you are truly good at, you will find your peace & true happiness.

Why Our Feet?

Our feet carry the weight of our life journey & every decision made from birth to where we want to be next. They hold enormous significance in supporting & enduring our thoughts & decisions. They bring us from birth to our destinations, follow us every step of the way, to witness both our miseries & happiness.

FeeTellAll NFT Launch

The 1st Series holds 36 pair of feet showcasing various life journeys taken. Every life journey is genuine & authentic. Floor Price: 0.08ETH (Polygon) via OPENSEA.io

[Launch] 28 May 2022

2nd Series: FeetArt

This series will display 68 feet in various art form - cartoons, paints, sketches, mosaic, etc. Taking a lighter view in life, this series aims to support life choices that make us happy. There is no dreams too big or desires too small. The life we truly want changes at different milestones of our lives & can take in various forms, just like the artistic impressions of the feet.

Future FeeTellAll Series

Future series include feet with music accompaniment, feet with hand-drawn articles - all of which aim to reflect the sentiments & thoughts of the actual feet owners.

This makes your support of the community meaningful with a follow-through of the owners' lives & decisions.

All NFTs in each series are in limited quantity.

Where To Buy FeeTellAll NFT?

Opensea via ETH Polygon

If you are keen to share your feet & story, or have any burning questions?

Email feetellall@gmail.com for more information

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