
Nationality: Singaporean

Ethnic: Chinese

Gender: Male

Age Group: Middle-aged soon to be Senior Citizen

[NFT Listing: https://opensea.io/assets/matic/0x2953399124f0cbb46d2cbacd8a89cf0599974963/92606857133730873257093297614239487190688831320231690495316773416186958315521]

A Little About Me

Generally, it takes me a longer time to warm up to people. However, when I do, I am certainly genuine. Nothing fancy about me, I am an introvert. I am known to be very down-to-earth in my lifestyle, considerate & giving towards people around me. I am also very steadfast in my life choices. For example, when I decided to go into Information Technology industry & continue my career from there, I never turned back. And when I decided to marry my wife, there will be no space for any other to admire. The same character may perhaps also make me a really stubborn person, if I want to be.

I came from a very humble background. Eldest of 3 siblings, I started work young. My parents retired early. Thus I took up the responsibilities of providing for my family in terms of care, support & financially. That meant that I had to give up my studies to allow my 2 younger sisters to pursue their tertiary education. In such a tight financial situation, I have been nurtured to be pragmatic & down-to-earth in my lifestyle, needs & wants.

Passion Was A Luxury Then

I always love soccer. Apart from being able to play well, it was also the only activity that bonded my dad & I in the earlier days. That played a very special place in my heart. Needless to say, like every young child with of hope, I wanted to become a professional soccer player to fulfill both my dream as well as make my dad proud. Being an avid soccer player also molded my character – persistent, resilient & display of good sportsmanship in every aspect of my life.

Music is also another area I particular love. The feeling of indulging in the making of music simply lifts me off my feet. But learning music was an expensive hobby to have. Obviously, it is not something I can pursue then.

I needed a job that paid me enough to feed my entire family & a hobby that doesn’t require much money to pursue. So unfortunately, passion was a luxury for me then. However, does that mean that I have to give it up totally? Of course not! I continued to play soccer in my leisure time & picked up playing the bass guitar when I saved enough. This was fuelled by a trait in my character, persistence pays off & I still find satisfaction to pursue what I love as a hobby.

Prefer Having Simple Dreams

How I grew up, I did not have the luxury to be flamboyant with my lifestyle. I am pragmatic. I am a simple guy with average intelligence & capability. Thus I neither dream big nor be greedy. With the limited life exposure & all the constraints, I prefer bearing simple dreams that will always keep me in comfort. To some of you, this may be a boring structured life. To me, this is bliss for I am surrounded with love, care & support from my loving wife, children & family.

Most Daring & Flamboyant Decision Of My Life

I married my loving wife! My wife is flamboyant, beautiful, loud, capable, enthusiastic & career-minded! She is everything I am not! She was a single mom with a son when we reconnected. I knew her through an ex-colleague many years back. When she opened up to me, I decided that I am not going to let her go, ever. This was my biggest dream came true, and also the most daring & flamboyant one at that! Opposites do attract! She is really my better half & I want to be a better for her. She brought out the proactive side of me. We are blessed with our son & daughter, 2 dogs & much love.

Having achieved that flamboyant dream of mine, I am really happy with the way things are right now. I haven’t thought of wanting to achieve anything major. Staying happy the way things are is, to me, an achievement. It requires a lot of maturity & be in absolute contentment to live simply, the way I love it, regardless of what people expect of me, or want of me. I just want to continue to keep my family happy, healthy & see our children grow up to be successful young adults.

Bucket List

1) Be a bartender

2) Watch an Iron Maiden concert (the only heavy metal band left that I haven’t seen) before they pass on

My Word of Encourage

Be truthful to yourself & do what makes you happy. Life is too short to be otherwise.