
Nationality: Singaporean

Age Group: Mid-40s

Gender: Female

[NFT Listing:


A Little About Me

Born a Scorpio, I am naturally passionate about things I like, sometimes a little over ambitious, & other times full of imagination. My friends sometimes do get bewildered over the things I want to do & can do. I live passionately, is loyal & honest to people close to me. Just like everyone, I do have a dark side. There are times I get a little intense & stubborn. I can also be impulsive with my actions & words. Some people describe me as任性 (wilful in Chinese). I tend to be overly trusting too, always believing in the good of people. So I do get my fair share of disappointments. Well, that’s just me.

Change In Priorities

I have been married for almost 2 decades. Over the years, I mellowed a lot to bring down the intensity & hype in my life. I have learnt to slow things down & enjoy the journey of doing, giving & receiving rather than the end result. My hard work paid off & I can truly say I am enjoying the fruits of my labour today. When I was younger, I tend to accommodate others’ needs & trying to widen my network even for acquaintances. At current, I am more protective over my time & my mental health. I take time to really connect with people who matters to me, especially my children & my only sister who is 5 years younger.

Finding Balance In An Imperfect Marriage

Like many others who got married in their 20s, I entered my marriage with a lot of hope, expecting a rosy happy-ever-after. I soon found out the hard way that reality was so far from the truth. At one point, I almost wanted to give up when I realised I was pregnant with my daughter. She gave me a good enough reason to try again & make my marriage work. 17 years later, while I do not have a perfect marriage, I’ve found the right balance in my marriage that provides the stability I want at this age.

Career: Try. Coz’ You Never Know

I studied Chemical Engineering & started out doing sales in the Chemical industry. A successful interview directed me to branch out into IT sector during the hot Dotcom season. Let’s just say I have not looked back. Over 15 years, I have worked hard, had my fair share of ups & downs, been defeated a few time then stood up to fight again always. Right now, I am pretty happy with my current achievements & I still very much enjoy my work. The engagement with people really struck a soft spot in my heart.

My Kids Taught Me

Perhaps if I never had kids, I would have achieved more in my career - a thought that comes to my mind at times. Why? Because my kids make me realise that work is just a means to live our life, it isn’t our life. I have a duty in guiding my children into strong, kind & courageous adults, a purpose more significant than my work. However, as they now blossom & grow into young adults charting their own paths, I see myself wanting to contribute more at my career, to challenge myself more & move out of my comfort zone. After much deliberation, I decided to take action. I got myself a new job with a new role, a role with higher responsibilities.

Always Check & Balance

In true honesty, I am in a happy place in my life right now. Yet I know I am still learning each day to balance my priorities & learning to love myself more so I can give more to others. Life is constantly evolving so every day is a new practice, a new lesson & a new achievement.

An Item In My Bucket List

I will like to take a 6-month off work to travel the world, not as a tourist as a “native” to spend a month in each different country living among people to experience their local culture and daily life.

My Word Of Encouragement

Don’t worry so much about your destination that you forget to enjoy your journey. Pause, breathe & take time to be grateful.