
Nationality: Singaporean

Ethnic: Chinese

Gender: Female

Age Group: 40s

Religion: Catholic

A Little About Me

I feel blessed for what God wants me to experience so far. It molds my characters to a better self, able to face/overcome challenges in life, able accept failure and move-on; I am a person who treasure relationships, especially family and friends.

Being a woman in this era, independence is the basic in life. I am pretty happy with the way I am. Sometimes I am too independent and wanting to have more ME-time.

I am well put together, never sloppy as I always think this is a form of self-respect. I am confident yet humble. I am not sure I am truly sociable, but it can come naturally for me because I use it in my work most of the time.

Change Is The Only Constant

There are many changes in the past 10 years. It started with my divorce (the toughest thing I had to deal with), being promoted to being a Regional Sales Director and moved into my own humble home.

I picked up a new hobby past couple of years because of my lovely balconies that I have now in my own home. I love plants. Plants make me happy. Plain & simple.

I am also glad that I have a few like-minded friends. We share experiences, happiness, ups and downs. We have fun, we drink, we share all sorts of nonsense. Again, they make me happy. Plain & simple.

Big Decisions, Big Impacts

There were 2 major things I decided to drop in my life so far – my marriage & being a mom.

Divorce was one of the biggest decisions of my life. It was not what I wanted then so it was really hard for me but the situation was beyond my control. If the situation were to happen now, I am sure I could easily make the decision to end things & free me. This failure in marriage impacted me a lot, and it took me a few years to recover. Nonetheless, it was the right decision to make. Looking back how life has evolved these past 10 years after my divorce, the most blessed thing is that I am able to forgive-and-forget. That is the most treasured virtue.

Being a mom has always been my wish. Thus despite a failed marriage, I wanted to be a single-mom after my divorce. Everyone told me I was emotionally unstable, and I should drop the idea and reconsider it later. Few years later when I hit 40s, I was seriously thinking about it, but things can only get harder as age is catching up, more work commitment as I progressed in my career, fear & all had me hold back for the second time. Then I decided to drop the idea the second time. Regret? Hmmm… I am not sure, maybe, maybe not. To be frank, it was a big decision to be responsible for another person’s life & I am not sure if I can handle it all alone.

Other Dreams

I want to have my own mobile-café business, driving a well-decorated van, selling nice coffee and cakes. I took the class on brewing specialty coffee, am always café-hopping to taste the different coffee they brew, appreciate the innovation they have and enjoy the ambient. Not sure whether I will go for it yet, but I am enjoying the learning journey at this moment.

I took to an interest in the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). To be a TCM doctor is tough – it will take 7 years if I do it on a part-time basis. However I do want to go into it a little more in-depth thus I am taking up some small courses now to learn in small ways as we go along. My main objective is to use the TCM concepts & remedies to take care of my parents & myself now & in the future.

As you can see, I am trying in my little ways to move towards my passion in life. I may or may not get there but the journey enjoyment outweighs the outcome I suppose.

Thoughts About The Future

Happiness & health are important to me. I am shaping my personal life towards this direction & that includes the hobbies & interests that I am building now. Plants, coffee/cakes, TCM, the journey in the pursuits of these not only brings me closer to achieving what I love, but also help mold my personality for the better.

The economy situation is also fragile and unpredictable now. The career we built all these years may just collapse overnight. My passion is in my current job/industry, I will still do my best to stay on. At the same time, it is worth exploring new opportunities to utilize my strengths in other areas. Coz who knows what’s going to happen in the future?

I may not be in my best optimum state in life right now. I still have many things to achieve be it with my career or personal life. Every challenge we face in life will bring us to different zone/level especially in personality development. I will always keep an open-mind, be willing to take up the challenge & overcome it.

If there is only 1 thing I can afford to do before I depart from this life, I will want to spend more time with my parents, chat with them, take care of them, hug them, hold their hands, travel with them even up till they are on wheelchairs.

My thoughts To You

We all experience our lives in different way & different pace. I might be slower in some areas & had experienced setback in life. But if this is what God has planned for me, I will embrace it & shape myself into a better inner self. If you have a beautiful inner self, you are beautiful as a whole.