
Nationality: Singaporean

Gender: Female

Ethnic: Chinese

Age Group: Mid-40s

[NFT Listing: https://opensea.io/assets/matic/0x2953399124f0cbb46d2cbacd8a89cf0599974963/92606857133730873257093297614239487190688831320231690495316773415087446687745]

A Little About Me

Decisive & flamboyant, I am often a joy to be around. I am affectionate but can sometimes tip over as being emotional. I am often humorous & stand by firmly the relationships I have with my loved ones (family & friends). While I can be quick-tempered, my heart is in the right place most of the time. My buddies & family will say that I am very brave & courageous throughout my life, to challenge what life throws at me, go against the norms & conventional expectations from others to do what I feel is right, what will make me happy. I always win triumphantly as proven by the successes in my life

A Winning Rebel

Based on some hear-say during the dot.com era, my mom forced me to study Computer Science during my tertiary education. I tried for a term & decided it really was not my cup of tea. With all determination, I matched in to dean’s office demanding to switch course. The dean then was surprised by my courage & determination so much as that he helped me continue my undergraduate studies into the Science faculty (Statistics & Computational Finance).

My 1st job after graduation, without any working experience, was a posting to Taiwan. Despite being so young then without any working experience, I swept aside all the uncertainty, anxiety & fear, bit the bullet & completed the few years in the role. An impressive entry my CV was formed.

I met my ex-husband in Taiwan & got married not long after. As you know, I am someone who yearn for affection & attention. He is also someone who didn’t see the need to put in effort to maintain the marriage. He prefers to sweep my “feedback” under carpet & pretended everything was ok. Over the years, there was an accumulation of resentment & grievances. I really couldn’t see a future with him so I could either continue being miserable by staying married to avoid gossips or pressure from people or pursue my own happiness & relief by executing the divorce. Of course, I chose the latter. I gained so much self-confidence & love right now so that decision could not be more right.

I got pregnant during one of my relationships after the divorce. However, marriage was not in the cards & I am not about to make another mistake. I had to decide if I want to abort or keep the child. At that time, the love for my child was so much stronger than wanting a carefree life. I decided to keep the child against all judgement & adversity, uncalled-for remarks from people around. I was blessed & thankful to have a very close friend who supported in keeping the child. She stood by me & we decided to bring up the child on our own. She is now the Godma of my little boy. Seeing how adorable, handsome & intelligent he is today, I know this was my best decision ever. Life was hard for sure, but it was all worth it.

My last key decision made at the time of this narrative of my life story was to marry a very simple man, a friend who stayed behind my back all these years. To choose a man with such down-to-earth, non-flamboyant & quiet personality, is very unlike me. For all the best reasons, this has proven to be one of the best decisions I ever made in my life.

As you can tell by now, all my life-changing experiences are guided by my philosophy of what will really make me happy now & in the future. I will say always to follow my heart. I never believe in eternal suffering when things are not right. I love myself too much to want to stick to conventional ways of living. You are responsible for how your life turns out. If it is not making you happy, challenge the status quo & take action to make it better. In fact, these are the key qualities of a business leader. Which is also why I am so good at my job. Go on & live the life you want.

Life Dreams

Flamboyant as I have been, I always wanted to be a professional singer since young. Of course, in the context of Singapore, there are proper training route to produce the likes of JJ Lin. Being young, I also did not have the power to do what I like but to follow the conventional education system that my parents put me through. However, I took up every opportunity to sing for the old folks in the homes, during company events & karaoke with friends!

I also would like to run an art exhibition to hold all my artwork. They may not be of professional standards in my view but the enjoyment I derive from during the process of drawing & painting was enormous & can be shown through the art pieces. I will like my friends to also feel the bliss coming out of my art pieces.

The last wish before I depart from this world is to be able to enjoy life with my children & grandchildren & thus the need to keep healthy & live a long good life.

In the next 10 years or so, I will like to move forward to plan for retirement, to have the time & effort to doing what I like outside of work & travel around the world.

Am I at the optimum stage of my life now? I think so. I am beautiful, confident, earning a good living, surrounded by people who love me & got rid of toxic people in my life. I am contented.

My Words Of Encouragement

Be brave. Follow your heart & take responsibility for your own decision / action. It’s your life after all!